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After-sales service at Granby-Ouest

Disasters sometimes cause more or less serious damage to buildings. Yet this damage is detrimental to your quality of life. What’s more, they’re likely to spread without prompt intervention. That’s why you need to think about repairing them as quickly as possible. But who to entrust with this delicate mission?

A partner you can trust for disaster recovery in Granby-Ouest
Are you looking for a reliable disaster recovery expert in Granby-Ouest? At Ventilo Exp’Air, we have over 15 years’ experience in the field. What’s more, our sanitation services are recognized by an insurance company. In other words, we’re certified. You can therefore entrust us with post-disaster missions with complete peace of mind. Here are our offers:

  • Post-disaster assessment ;
  • Decontamination, asbestos removal, water dehumidification and drying, air purification;
  • Partial or total destruction ;
  • Renovation ;
  • Water damage, fire and vandalism.

Reasons to choose us

Experienced, recognized and certified… We bring together the essential qualities to provide services that meet your expectations:

  • Our rates are particularly competitive;
  • Our experts are serious and respect the deadlines indicated at the time of the estimate;
  • We have liability insurance;
  • The estimate is free of charge, by telephone;
  • We are a local, 100% Quebec family business;
  • We provide practical advice at no extra charge;
  • We have a good reputation with our customers. In fact, we achieved an average rating of 4.9/5 on Google.

Your after-sales expert in Granby-Ouest

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you need an expert in Granby-Ouest. Telephone quotes are free and instantaneous. What’s more, we process your request within 24 hours. Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.