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The frequency of cleaning your air ducts


A vent is a channel through which heated or cooled air from heating/cooling systems passes into the rooms of the house. It is a key element of a building, whether residential, commercial or institutional, that must be taken care of to maintain optimal indoor air quality, and therefore to preserve the health of all occupants. Cleaning is part of the maintenance procedures to be performed regularly for this.

Pourquoi nettoyer vos conduits d’aération ?

Every time you clean your home, some dust and other dirt gets into your vents. Over time, they then begin to settle. However, this affects the quality of the air that is diffused in the rooms. Indeed, the air carries with it small polluting particles when passing through the canal, causing health problems of varying degrees for the occupants who breathe it, especially for sensitive subjects such as asthmatics or allergy sufferers.

You may also notice that dust persists on your furniture even if you clean it regularly. In addition, a thorough cleaning of the air ducts is a good opportunity to inspect the entire system for any anomalies such as mold, rust or other damage. This way, you can take the necessary steps before the situation gets worse.

À quelle fréquence faut-il nettoyer vos conduits d’aération ?

In general, it is recommended to clean your vents at least once every 5 years. However, there are other factors that may require you to perform maintenance a little more often:

  • Vous avez des animaux de compagnie (chiens, chats ou encore hamster).
  • Vous fumez souvent à l’intérieur.
  • Vous habitez dans une zone particulièrement poussiéreuse.
  • La maison est très spacieuse et compte plusieurs occupants.
  • La maison est humide.
  • Certains occupants du bâtiment sont allergiques ou asthmatiques.

Also, it is imperative that you clean your vents after any work is done in your home. Indeed, the materials used are sometimes very polluting and dangerous for health. Finally, it is important to note that the filters should be cleaned or changed at least once every 2 months.

Quand faut-il nettoyer vos conduits d’aération ?

You can clean your air ducts at any time of the year. Nevertheless, many people prefer to do it a little before winter to benefit from an optimal air quality during the coldest periods when it is generally impossible to open the doors and windows to air the house. In addition, here are some signs that should alert you:

  • En nettoyant les filtres, vous vous apercevez qu’ils sont beaucoup plus sales que d’habitude. Cela signifie que la quantité de saleté à l’intérieur des conduits d’aération a augmenté.
  • Les occupants font souvent des crises d’asthme ou d’allergie et la situation s’aggrave au fil du temps.
  • Il y a plus de poussières que d’habitude dans votre maison.

Clean your air ducts without wasting time if you notice any of these signs.

Est-il possible de nettoyer soi-même les conduits d’aération ?

Some people choose to clean their own vents. However, this is not recommended, especially in the case of a commercial or multi-unit building. It is indeed a delicate and complex intervention that requires the intervention of a qualified and experienced professional.

On the one hand, he knows the measures to take as well as the techniques to apply, depending on the case, to carry out the mission efficiently, quickly, in compliance with the standards, safely and without damaging the structure. He also has the knowledge to identify possible anomalies, if any.

On the other hand, it has all the necessary equipment to perform a quality work and to meet your expectations. So yes, it is possible to clean your own vents, but we strongly advise against it.

Confiez-nous le nettoyage de vos conduits d’aération !

At Ventilo Exp’Air, we offer air duct cleaning services, whether it is routine maintenance or cleaning after renovations. We put at your disposal serious and qualified professionals who will know how to satisfy you by their quality and fast services.

Moreover, they are equipped with the best equipment to carry out their missions in the rules of art. We give you some examples:

  • Une machine à extraction d’air qui peut tourner environ 8 heures en continu, directement reliée à un camion, grâce à laquelle ils peuvent nettoyer les conduits de tous les types de bâtiment, quelle que soit leur taille.
  • Un robot téléguidé pour inspecter les conduits.
  • Un tuyau flexible expulsant de l’air à haute pression pour nettoyer les zones difficiles d’accès.

Nous effectuons aussi les analyses de contrôle de la qualité de l’air à l’intérieur de votre maison !

We can perform a dust level test in your home’s air ducts to ensure that they are truly clean and safe. We also control other parameters to evaluate the quality of the air in your home:

  • Quantité de poussière et autres contaminants ;
  • Pourcentage d’humidité ;
  • Analyse de moisissures, levures et bactéries ;
  • Taux de monoxyde de carbone ;
  • Taux de dioxyde de carbone.


Your home’s air ducts should be cleaned at least once every 5 years under normal conditions. However, you may need to clean more frequently if you have pets, smoke, or have occupants with respiratory problems.

Don’t hesitate to call on us for this type of intervention, whatever the size of your building. We have the appropriate equipment for this and our professionals will impress you with the quality of their services and their seriousness. You can contact us by phone or email for more information about our services and rates. We remind you that the submission is free.